Objective Comment is a resource to challenge and question your assumptions and ideas about your business, social enterprise, charity or organisation. The comments provided are for your discretionary use. You will remain in control of your operations and responsible for the outcome of your actions. Objective Comment is not to be held responsible for any failure or third party action arising from your choice to implement comments made upon your submission.
Objective Comment is not a non-executive director, trustee, executive or member of your organisation unless a separate arrangement is entered into specifically.
Following registration and submission of your document or by booking a review meeting Objective Comment will charge
£250 - for a 'face to face' review. This will include reading, analysing and commenting on the submitted document and up to two hours in your office or meeting place to discuss the document and related matters in detail.
Payment is required on the day of delivery. Payment may be spread over three months on request. In these circumstances three equal payments of £100 will be required with the first due on the day of delivery.
Reasonable travel and subsistence may be added to the cost as appropriate. Where possible these will be shared with other parties visited at the same time in the same area.
Peter uses your contact details to build his own personal network. He will only give out your contact details if he believes the recipient can use your services, product, or help in furthering your mutual business interests. Any documents, information or conversations shared with Peter will not be shared with anyone else without your consent. All documents and information in Peter's possession at the end of the engagement will be destroyed. If you choose to use another advisor introduced by Peter you must make a separate engagement with that advisor. There are no Cookies. There is no tracking. No data is collected by visiting the website.
Peter Buglass and Objective Comment will not discuss or divulge any information submitted to a third party without your express consent. If you require a non-disclosure agreement prior to submission please email me directly on peter@objectivecomment.co.uk.
Occasionally I will ask other suitably qualified individuals to assist or replace me as appropriate in reviewing your submission. If this is necessary I will discuss and agree it with you first.